
Motion : This House Should Ban- Cigarretes From The Society

•Opening Government 1
Cigarretes are not good for our body or our health 
Cigarretes may cause a lot of bad effects, such as cancer, sleep problem, and many more.

•Opening Opposition 1
Banning cigarettes from the society is juat the same as denying human rights. We can do a lot other things than smoking.

•Opening Government 2
There are approximately five million victim from smoking.
And 85% amount of smoke in the air.

•Opening Opposition 2
Free smoking places can be provided by the government so it won't disturb other people.

•Closing Government 1
Even if they provide free smoking places, it won't be effective because active smokers can make other people around them be a pasive smokers.

•Closing Opposition 1
Don't ban cigarettes, but we can punish they who didn't smoke in the free smoking places.

•Closing Government 2
Should ban cigarettes because smoking can endanger our finances.

•Closing Opposition 2
Conflict can be made after cigarettes banned, so why bother banning it? And the Government should work harder to educate the smokers for solving the root of this problem.


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